April 17th, 2024
Let’s see… Toothbrush? Check. Fluoride toothpaste? Check. Floss? Check. Two minutes of thorough brushing? Check. Careful cleaning around your brackets and wires? Check. Wait… there’s something else… it’s right on the tip of your… Ah! Your tongue! Whenever you brush, morning, evening, or any time in between, if you want the freshest breath and cleanest…
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April 10th, 2024
The average age of individuals who get braces is between nine and 14, although it is appropriate for younger children to visit Smedley Orthodontics, LTD for a consultation with Dr. Larry Smedley, Dr. Christopher Smedley, and Dr. Kendra Smedley Adey. While parents may be concerned about the efficacy of early orthodontics, research suggests that early…
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April 3rd, 2024
It's springtime and it's again time to remind our patients at Smedley Orthodontics, LTD to protect their faces and pearly whites while out on the field playing sports. According to the National Youth Sports Safety Foundation, children, high-school athletes and adults have more than 5,000,000 teeth knocked out in sporting events annually. If you are…
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March 27th, 2024
By and large, the human body is a marvel of symmetry. But, of course, no one is perfect. You might have noticed one ear is a bit higher than the other. That you wear a shoe a half-size bigger on your left foot. That one shirtsleeve always looks longer. Or that your smile looks off-center.…
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