West Chester Downingtown Coatesville

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Best Tips to Make Your Teeth Look Whiter

July 10th, 2024

Your teeth were once naturally white and bright. Wouldn't it be great to keep them that way all of your life? Unfortunately, everyday living can dim our smiles. Food, coffee, some juices, and soft drinks can stain your teeth. Poor brushing and flossing can also leave tooth stains. Injuries to teeth or gums can cause…
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Happy Fourth of July!

July 3rd, 2024

Happy Independence Day from Dr. Larry Smedley, Dr. Christopher Smedley, and Dr. Kendra Smedley Adey and team! The Fourth of July celebrations in America may have changed a lot over the years, but there is no doubt that we Americans love to celebrate the anniversary of our country's independence! Today we're devoting the Smedley Orthodontics,…
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What exactly is a root canal?

June 26th, 2024

Hearing that you need a root canal can be highly intimidating. What is a root canal? It is the removal of the nerve supply from the tooth. Here, Dr. Larry Smedley, Dr. Christopher Smedley, and Dr. Kendra Smedley Adey will describe the parts of a tooth and explain the reasons for a root canal and…
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Three Must-Have Dental Treatments

June 19th, 2024

In dentistry, there are a wide variety of treatments, everything from elective procedures to those that are necessary and potentially lifesaving. So given the slew of treatment options, how do you choose what’s right for you? Our experts at Smedley Orthodontics, LTD have handpicked the three must-have procedures that we believe can benefit nearly every…
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